Meet Salty Lemon: A Flexible Kitesurf Gear Subscription Service

Guest post by Salty Lemon

Times have changed. The world has evolved. People are shifting their perspectives on ownership, sustainability, and collecting moments. The times for letting life pass you by without taking advantage of it are over. We want to live, experience, feel, explore and do good with our limited time on this earth.

We kitesurfers, we are deeply connected to mother nature. We see its beauty every time we are at the spots. We feel its power when we turn storms into kite adventures, when the water splashes against our faces and makes us feel alive. We kitesurfers are bound to nature, and we love it.

Therefore, we at Salty Lemon don’t just understand what being a kitesurfer means; we’re forward thinkers. We’re problem solvers that want to share the amazing world of kitesurfing with as many people as possible while making it as nurturing for earth and kiter as possible. And we, too, still have a long journey ahead of us, but we are seizing what is possible, and we are doing so by making kitesurfing more accessible for everyone.

A Kitesurfing Gear Subscription

But what does accessibility mean?

It means we are aware of the high investment costs for new gear. It means that we recognise the evolving demands in the world of sports, which require adaptability in selecting equipment and maintaining flexibility in financial decision-making. So, Salty Lemon has made it its mission to create a kitesurfing experience that means no hassle for the admin for anyone joining the community. 

Salty Lemon offers a flexible kitesurfing subscription, with which you can put together your desired kite equipment quickly and easily and rent it with a duration ranging from 3 months up to 2 years. The kite equipment will be sent to your home, and you can use it worldwide wherever the wind takes you. Our equipment insurance automatically covers you, and with our innovative swap option, you can adapt your equipment to changing conditions and needs. Are you eager to assemble your kite package, including equipment and duration? Then visit our Salty Calculator! What are you waiting for?

The Benefits of A Subscription

Salty Lemon doesn't just focus on offering affordable kite gear, it also offers additional benefits that make it easier for you to enjoy a kitesurfing experience you wouldn’t have otherwise.

What are those, you ask? Hold on, let us list a few:

Always have the latest gear

o   With us, you don’t need to worry about malfunctions or damage. Instead, we only send you the latest and greatest kite gear from our favourite brands.

Swap your gear as you see fit

o   Do you want to swap to a smaller board or from twintip to surfboard? No problem! With Salty Lemon, your gear can grow with your skill level and style of riding.

Enjoy complete flexibility in your kite journey

o   It doesn’t matter if you’re a beginner or a pro. Our packages are tailored to your needs. We have a very flexible 3-month tryout, or you can go with a very cost-efficient 24-month long-term lease. Are you looking for something in between? No problem: we've got the flexibility you need.

Always be insured with your equipment

o   Is something wrong with your kite gear? No problem. We insure it, fix it and replace it if necessary.
Leaving you with only one thing left to do: go kiting!

Salty's full service for you

o   No matter the issue. We’re here for you. Ready to help, handle and resolve any challenges you may be facing. We’re here to help you get the most out of your kitesurfing experience.

Let’s be honest guys - look around your favourite kite brands; they offer incredible gear you'll be proud of using. You choose a brand, and with that, most of us choose a type of style. We identify with it, which is good because the gear we choose tells a story about us. A story we can be proud of. But what's the use of a story without peace of mind? And that's what Salty Lemon wants to provide, the comfort of mind through transparency and reliability.

What are my options for funding kitesurfing gear? Is it better to rent or buy?

Are you ready to sacrifice your piggy bank for the latest and greatest new kite equipment? The best gear is totally worth the investment to take your kitesurfing game to the next level! However, the extent to which your piggy has to go on a diet is very individual and depends entirely on how much kite equipment you need and from which brand. To give you an idea of costs, we've put together a few examples of figures (as of May 2023) for an average equipment setup from North Kiteboarding:

-   NORTH Orbit 23 in 9sqm: 1,699€

-   NORTH Orbit 23 in 12sqm: 1,929€

-   NORTH Navigator Bar: 629€

-   NORTH Atmos Carbon incl. Flex LX: 1,358€

According to that, you would be at a total of 5,615€. Can your piggy bank handle that? On the other hand, if things get tight, you can usually get up to a 10% discount on the total price through expert advice at the local shop.

But if buying is off the cards, what are the other options? If you only plan on kitesurfing 3-5 times a year, renting kitesurf equipment at your kite spot for 80-100€ a day is easiest. For a week, your kite equipment will cost around 400-500€, and for two weeks, you're looking at up to 1,000€. Although this is pricey, you won’t have to worry about maintenance. However, you can't be sure your first-choice of kite equipment is always going to be available and you're always going to be limited to what the local hire shop has to offer.

Alternatively, you can rent kite equipment online for up to two weeks. Then the equipment is delivered to your home, and costs, depending on the scope and condition of the kite equipment, are most likely between 350 to 550€ for that time period.

If none of these options sound ideal, maybe it is time to get your kitesurfing subscription with Salty Lemon. Create your perfect package with the Salty Calculator and find out your bespoke monthly price.

How Salty Lemon Works

Still reading? Then you're probably thinking about giving that subscription a go – so let's get into how it works: Either you create your perfect package via the Salty Calculator, give us a call or shoot us a text via WhatsApp.

Salty Lemon - How does it work

Create your individual kite package:

  • Whether CORE, NORTH or KOLD Shapes, you decide.
  • How many kites? With or without a board? – Your wish is our command!

Decide on your ideal subscription runtime between 3 and 24 months

Talk to an Expert:

Book an appointment with one of our experts and receive consultation from kiter to kiter.

Not in the mood for small talk? Send us your desired package via the Salty Calculator and receive a non-binding offer.

Take off:

Get your desired equipment delivered directly to your doorstep.

And even during your subscription, we're your partner in crime when it comes to solving your equipment problems and granting your every wish.

Now it’s time to check the wind forecast and plan your upcoming kite trip to make use of that fresh new gear. See you on the water!

Photo-Credits: @jonkay_photography Model: @ruben_vor

essential gear

Vivida is not a passing brand.

It is a mindset. It is a vision. It is a place you can be yourself; release your inhibitions, and fearlessly go out to embrace the beauty of this world and the people in it.

- H.K. Topping. Investment Banker & Vivida Adventurer