Video: A mindful walk and wild swim in a magical Celtic rain forest

Join Chloe of Fables and Fells as she takes us with her, and her dog Cam, on a mindful walk and wild swim in a tranquil Celtic rainforest in the Lake District. 

Chloe has a chronic inflammatory disease and finds that cold water swimming helps reduce inflammation, ease her pain and build up trust in her body again. She also finds that time spent in nature helps improve her mental well being. The moment she enters the open water, her body kicks into action and cuts through her disruptive thoughts. After her swims, she wraps up warm again in her Vivida All Weather Changing Robe.

Subscribe to Chloe's YouTube channel and follow her on Instagram to join her on more walks and discover more about her personal journey.

Miranda Mazzarella looks after Ecommerce and Marketing at Vivida Lifestyle. When she's not making sure the website's working or creating our next email campaign, she enjoys meditation, yoga and woodland walks. Her happy place is sea snorkelling amongst the fishes.

essential gear

Vivida is not a passing brand.

It is a mindset. It is a vision. It is a place you can be yourself; release your inhibitions, and fearlessly go out to embrace the beauty of this world and the people in it.

- H.K. Topping. Investment Banker & Vivida Adventurer