In the Wild
#SpottedinVivida #LivingVivida
This is a feed of the Vivida community #livingvivida while being #spottedinvivida on Instagram.
Want to share even more photos and videos of you living your Vivida Lifestyle with us? Upload directly to our community Dropbox folder.
It is our hope that we inspire a community of more action, less fear, and the pursuit of a life well-lived with love, gratitude, connection, and mindfulness.
Considered leaders of the ever growing Vivida Lifestyle Community, TeamVivida members are role models who personify the Vivida concept - which is best represented by shared core values, in alignment with the “viva la vida’, live well mindset. Be it through watersports, yoga, adventure, art, or other passions, TeamVivida inspires and supports their micro communities with kind, supportive, curious, and creative enthusiasm. Along their journeys, they hold the Vivida flag high and their excitement for the movement is uniquely sincere, heartfelt & contagious.

Vivida Lifestyle is community, philosophy, and lifestyle - built for you, supported by you, and lived by you.

— A. Chevrier (Adventurer, Teacher, Kitesurfer, Netball Coach)

— H.K. Topping (Investment Banker, Adventurer)

— T. Wells (World Traveller, Surfer, Dancer, Free Spirit)

— H.K. Topping (Investment Banker, Adventurer)

— R. Tarr (Photographer, Surfer)

— Paula Novotná (Pro Kiteboarder)

— E. Zuben

— S. Jackson