
Inspire & empower a life well lived

It began with true purpose. A vision for a life well-lived.

With a name & purpose derived from 'Viva la Vida' and ‘Una vida bien Vivida’ (‘live life’, and ‘life well lived’ in Spanish), Vivida Lifestyle was initially founded by David Harris-Burland as a purely passion-driven project rooted in adventure, water, connection and wellbeing, serving as a reminder and daily inspiration to live life to the fullest - always striving to find connection to and appreciation for the natural wonders that surround us, and are inside us.

What is a life well-lived?

For us, to live a life well-lived is to live a life with purpose and connection; connection to adventure, freedom, balance, the planet, to others and to oneself. This is the Vivida Lifestyle. This is our north star and underpins everything we do.

But how do you live your Vivida Lifestyle?

Well, that’s something we’re all trying to figure out, and ultimately it’s unique to you, however, the Vivida community often unites on a few interconnected principles including the healing power of Water, the principle of Flow State, and embracing the empowering beauty of impermanence.

“Vivida Lifestyle brings you back to yourself - it’s a shell and foundation that connects you to people on a journey. It’s a forum of conscious people.”

— H.K. Topping (Investment Banker, Adventurer)

The Healing Power of Water

We’re all made of water. It manifests in the clouds, dropping to earth, pooling into the sea and back again, flowing through us along its cycle. It touches every living being on Earth and is constantly moving.

We believe that being surrounded by water is not only good for your body but good for your soul, as it connects us with the natural world. Whether you’re a thrill seeking surfer, a tentative toe dipper, or anything in between, connection with water deepens your connection to your own mind and body, to the here and now and to the world around you. It’s what Han Fisher writes about in her article: Why I freeze my butt off, and you should too - Year-Round Wild Swimming in Cornwall. It’s also a beautiful way to reach your Flow State.

“One of the real beauties of watersports, is that it really keeps you in the moment. It allows you to really appreciate that life is really dynamic; it's not static. Moments come, and if you don't take advantage of those moments, that opportunity might not come again.”

— T. Wells

Flow State

Vivida is a state of mind. Vivida is Flow State. But what is Flow State?

Essentially it’s that feeling of being completely absorbed in what you’re doing - the sweet spot between challenge and skill, where time seems to stand still and effortless progress is made. You can read more about it in our article: Going with the Flow - What is Flow State and How to Achieve it?

When you’re in your flow, you’re living your Vivida Lifestyle. This could be when you’re swimming or surfing (either alone or in a group) but it expands beyond water or sport. Dancing, reading, writing poetry, singing, videography, meditating or cooking are all amazing ways we can achieve flow. The possibilities are endless.

When you’re in your flow, the connections you make with yourself, with others, and with the world around you naturally deepen as you’re in your highest state of awareness and acceptance. This benefits your mental well-being no end, but as with all things in life, it doesn’t last forever.

“Having fun without being perfect, changing myself because I want to, living my life how I want it without losing track and my goals, dreaming and doing all I can for achiving my dreams even if it comes on detours and just loving what I do. That’s Vivida Lifestyle for me!”

— R. Gerhard

The Empowering Beauty of Impermanence

It’s not possible to be in a constant flow state, but that’s the beauty of it.

There’s no rainbow without the rain, and the rain must come for the cycle of water to continue to nourish life on Earth. Living your Vivida Lifestyle is about finding balance, celebrating the yin and yang of life, and cherishing and nurturing the activities that bring you to Flow State whenever you can.

When you’re in your Flow State, you experience no fear, but your fears aren’t eradicated forever. Living your Vivida Lifestyle is about embracing the impermanence of fear. This too shall pass. It’s about feeling that fear and deciding to jump in anyway.

All moments are temporary and living your Vivida Lifestyle is about enjoying the beauty in the impermanence. Knowing that nothing lasts forever, good or bad, puts all fear into perspective.

When you feel the fear, but go ahead to achieve your Flow State and connect with the wider world around you, you realise how small you are in the vast cosmos. This perspective heightens an appreciation for others and oneself, as well as the natural world and our precious planet.

“The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly without fear for newer and richer experience.”

— E. Roosevelt

How Do You Live Your Vivida Lifestyle?

The magic of the Vivida Lifestyle is the depth and diversity of interpretation. There are infinite ways you can live your Vivida Lifestyle and connect to those around you, and the Vivida Community shares new ways with each other every day.


Artwork illustrating our purpose & living a Vivida Lifestyle

The Map of Dreams

The Map of Dreams was created for the adventurers, dreamers, thinkers, and doers, manifesting their dreams in locations throughout the world, connecting to nature, others and themselves, living in the moment and taking nothing for granted. Vivida’s signature map print is a custom art creation, depicting the unique and diverse places and people that embody the Vivida community. It also reflects the uplifting and wonderfully intangible components of the magical Vivida movement.

Infused into some of our products, it is a living artwork that is continually updated to reflect the ever-changing landscape of adventure & exploration. How you interpret this art is unique to your journey.

Where will your Map of Dreams take you?